Do you want to do a lot of things for God?
Do you talk a lot about what you have done for God when talking to people?
Do you criticize and look down on other people who do not do enough evangelism or do enough ministry?
Do you have trouble listening to what God has to say to you?
Are you easily angered when things don't go according to your plans?
Are you secretly trying to work for God so you can manipulate him into doing what you want?
Realize this, God is not served with human hands. Even stones and nature do a better job at glorifying God than us, because when God tells stones to stay, they do not move, when he tell trees to grow, they grow, when God tells planets to spin in a specific path, they do so, and when God tells the ocean "You can only come so far" they dare not take one step further.
But often times we neglect his will. We will be so set on doing things for him that the things we do might not even be pleasing to him in the first place.
Folks, all we need is Christ. Did Paul not say that he suffered the loss of all things for the sake of the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ? Yes he was a man who did a lot of ministry and sacrificed for God, but that's only as much as he saw the glory of Christ and his own weakness. His love was Christ, not doing a lot of stuff.
We are not great people. In fact, even the sins in our prayers and best thoughts are worthy to send us to hell. But thanks be to God, who sent Christ as a sacrifice for our sins, who satisfied God's anger towards us and reconciled us to God. Now we can call God father, if you are indeed in Christ.
So let go of the mentality and tendency to trust in our own efforts, and find rest in Christ, carry this burden of trying to please God by your flesh no more. Ask God to reveal to you the glory of Christ, and you will be glorifying him, because from glory to glory you will be transformed into Christ likeness.
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