Monday, December 30, 2013

Week of Global Prayer and Outreach

From November 11-14, CCF hosted a week of global prayer and outreach for all the campus fellowships at Mac (If you were wondering, Nov 15 was a Friday where CCF went out for evangelism/prayer walk)! During both morning and evening prayer meetings, we prayed for the persecuted church, unreached peoples, social justice, Hamilton, as well as our very own campus, Mac. It was a great time to get to know one another in fellowship, especially praying with those from different fellowships for a common cause - to bring God's kingdom down to every corner of this world and for his glory to shine radiantly bright even in the darkest of places. 

A big thanks to all you came out :) Some have asked if they could get the resources we used for that week, and sorry for the delay, but here they are! 

Prayer for the Persecuted Church (Monday)
Prayer for the Unreached Peoples (Tuesday)
Prayer for Social Justice (Wednesday)
Prayer for Hamilton and McMaster (Thursday)

Life is so much greater than just what we can see and hear! So pray big and pray bold because we have a God above us, around us, and in us, that hears everything, knows everything, and is in control of everything. That being said, for those who came out, or those who could not, please continue thinking and praying and serving globally. There is so much more than this. 

"With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints," - Ephesians 6:18 

- Glory, on behalf of the committee :)

Clothes Drive

From October to November, CCF collected clothes to donate to the Good Shepherd in Hamilton, where 18.1% of the population lives in poverty... crazy to even believe that considering the lives we're living. Thank you to everyone who helped out by donating their clothes!!! :) Here are just some pictures and a quick blurb on the of why we did this! 

One Sunday at church, the pastor was challenging all of us why it seems like there is only one demographic in the church nowadays, and later on, how we can so often neglect serving the community and reaching out to the poor. We're all people created in the image of God and thus, that is how we should be treated. Like what John Piper once said, "Why does God bless us with abundance? So we can have enough to live on, and then use the rest for all manner of good works that alleviate spiritual and physical misery. Enough for us; abundance for others... copper will do."

Moving out all the clothes from Beauman into the car
Packing everything into one big box for delivery at the Good Shepherd
All the donations given to Good Shepherd so far this yr!
"Only, they asked us to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do.” – Galatians 2:10

When Jesus talked about the poor, I believe he really meant the poor - like the actual, literal poor. The ones who are poor not only in spirit, but physically and financially as well... the outcasts of society. I really do firmly believe that Jesus loved the poor, the homeless, the oppressed, the outcasts. 

If so, why is the church full of those who are technically wealthy, those who go to school and are well off – those who are 'normal'? But Christianity is not for the rich, it is not for the well-off. Instead, Jesus challenges them. He dined with the tax collector (Mark 2:13-17), defended the adulteress (John 8:2-11), and reached out and healed the leper (Matt 8:1-4). I mean, Jesus loved them so much and had such an eager desire and mission to save them – which was God`s will (John 6:38) – that people thought he himself was a drunkard and a glutton (Matt 11:19)!

This all prompts me to ask the question… Where are the poor? Have you seen them in your pews? Do you see them in fellowship? Do you see the church reaching out and loving them as if they were also made in God’s image, which they are? Do you see the church actively laying down their own rights so they can go out and change the world (1 Cor 9:20)?

It's my prayer that CCF will become more selfless and sacrificial when it comes to how we conduct and prioritize our lifestyles - counting others as more significant as ourselves (Phil 2:3) and always remembering the poor (Gal 2:10)!

-Glory, on behalf of committee :)