Tuesday, April 5, 2016

March 20th, Q&A :D

New comm Q&A
March 20, 2016

  1. Explanation of nomination process this year
  2.  Changes to nomination process for next year
a.     Earlier nomination/voting process
b.     Ratification vote

a.     Introductions
b.     Question period
                                               i.     What is your responsibilities/vision for next year?
1.     Michael – year ministry is to pour into year leaders and care for them, year leading is starting point for new leaders, cultivate environment of support, interyear relations (interyear PM). Current vision is for year leaders to share burdens in a more consistent manner.
2.     Christian – take care of men’s night and guys in fellowship, choose and care for men’s DGL. Vision for men to be cultivators, guys have a lot of doubt, develop men who are Christ-like servant leaders, self-discipline/accountability/encouragement
3.     Nate – focus on discipleship and mentorship, want to see atmosphere of accountability in fellowship, providing more opportunities for fellowship to serve
4.     Elliot – give God glory in everyday life and not just music, in charge of worship leaders and teams. Worship as more of a lifestyle than just music, worship that occurs within a person rather than constrained to a certain place/time
5.     Adriane – everything Christian said but for the women, preparing DGL and women for anything that comes their way, equipping DGL with wisdom for how to deal with DGs.
6.     Tracy – admin (emails, room booking), organization and communication, reviving blog??, point person for issues/concerns with fellowship, gauging health and responses of fellowship, main support system for rest of comm
                                             ii.     Why did you agree to the role?
1.     Michael – apprehensive at first b/c didn’t see himself in the role/ministry, gifted with talking and 1-on-1 meetings, discerned to use gifts to build others and developing those gifts, year ministry is an opportunity to serve fellowship and allow Spirit to work
2.     Christian – loves CCF and hearing about their lives, place he can be himself, best community he could have J, although not perfect he will strive for that, wants to use talents/gift and not hide it, sees a lot of potential in men and want to help develop it
3.     Nate – no greater honour than to serve God in a leadership role, lots of fear/anxiety/doubts but wanted to take step in faith, uncertainty about where God will lead fellowship but has trust in God and looking forward to seeing ministries grow.
4.     Elliot – worship is big part of his life, felt peace when playing music, joy to worship God and want others to experience the same, God doesn’t call the qualified but qualifies the called
5.     Adriane – God told her to do it, heart for year ministry but would not work well in that ministry, cannot hand-hold DGL which is what she tends to do
6.     Tracy – originally asked to do Women’s, cares deeply for women’s ministry but strengths not best used in that ministry, role was intimidating but gifts fit this role better
                                            iii.     To Christian: Any concrete plans to improve CCF men’s ministry?
1.     Men’s needs don’t really differ from women’s and also don’t change that much. Need for vulnerability.
2.     Next year: stratifying DGs but details not worked out yet. Move DGL towards similair direction and work towards common goal. Taking care of DGL by meeting 1-on-1 either physically, spiritually, content, or conversation. Proper training for DGL, use summer to help train DGL to better serve fellowship. Use DGL to hear feedback from guys
                                            iv.     How to improve communication amongst comm?
1.     Old comm had trouble with communication
2.     Don’t r-bomb. 1 single email. Revive CCF blog for archiving and information.
3.     Ensure long-term visioning and planning
                                              v.     How to make blog more accessible?
1.     Not comm’s fault that people don’t read it
                                            vi.     Practical suggestions for worship-oriented lifestyle?
1.     Nothing solid at the moment but will think about it over the summer
                                           vii.     Anything in your ministry that you would change?
1.     Tracy – making sure people’s concerns are heard
2.     Nate – giving fellowship more/new opportunities to lead
3.     Adriane – creating sense of community between women using bootcamp and social
4.     Christian – method of choosing DGL won’t change, stratifying DGs needs certain leaders, DGs united towards one goal
5.     Michael – ministry still fairly new, pick up where Nate left off, nothing drastic planned
                                         viii.     How to encourage leadership?
1.     Lot of things up in the air but nothing practical yet
                                            ix.     How often will fellowship be consulted about stuff?
1.     Fellowship can always voice concerns
2.     Will answer later
3.     Comm will send ministry visions over the summer
                                              x.     How can fellowship care for comm?
1.     Prayers are much appreciated, feedback is important

c.     Prayer for comm

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