Monday, February 13, 2012

Study theology to love

Simply put, theology is the science of God, it requires knowledge and rational thought. and Christians need to study theology. We need to grow in our knowledge of our Lord. The Bible commands it. 2 Peter 1:3-9 puts knowledge as an essential element in a pipeline that leads to love, and the life God desires for us is a life marked by love.

But we do need to keep these 2 things in mind:
  • Our motivation of theological studies needs to be to love God and to love people
  • We need to be Biblical

People are put off by theology because many theologically buff Christians are jerks. Using knowledge to bash others, looking down on people who have different convictions, seeking and desiring to argue and prove people wrong, and always wanting to fit everything into a system and having all their ducks line up in a row. Sometimes we rely so much on our head we become cold and cruel. It's ridiculous.

But on the other hand, the lack of knowledge destroys people (Hosea 4:6). Not knowing the attributes of God can be a very dangerous thing. For example, when church attenders are not taught the attributes of God because it is assumed that everyone already knows who He is, God will become something to be used to fulfill people's own ambition. People will put up a religious act or be led into behavior modification thinking if they are good enough then God will need to repay their debt. When suffering and misfortune come into their lives, they just walk away from the church.

So go and study theology. Read your Bible diligently. Don't let theologically buff jerks turn you off, but beware, lest knowledge becomes your god. Don't neglect your personal time with God, seek Him daily, commune with Him, see and taste the goodness of God that you have learned and studied. Let Him become more and more the lover of your being.


  1. Lovely Ricky, I needed to hear this.

  2. Hello,

    My name is Dicky To. I came from Hong Kong. I was so excited to come across your site while searching for Chinese Christian sites. My family and I live in Chicago, Illinois and serve the Lord at a local church.

    I graduated from a Christian university in Chicago some years ago. Now I work as a full time statistical programmer. I hope I can join your group and connect with all of you.

    My blog features Christian articles and testimonies. I also have guest Christian authors post on my blog. You can also find me at

    Nice to meet all of you here.

    In Christ,
