Friday, November 11, 2011

Thinking about war - A reflection by Christine

When I think about war, I remember how privileged I am to be able to live in so much peace and freedom. I remember the great price that was paid for this privilege. However, these thoughts only cross my mind for a slight moment during a minute of silence. I say a short prayer in that minute thanking God for those who fought for my freedom, and then go back to my usual routine. We’re truly blessed to be a generation living in a country that is so peaceful. Sometimes I wonder what our attitude would be like if we truly realized what a BIG deal that is. I wonder how it would be like to live in places like Somalia, where civil war prevents millions of starving children from getting food. I wonder how I’d feel if my own dad was called to serve in the battle fields.

When I think about war, the image of a soldier comes to mind. He is strong and steadfast, just like Jacky Chan in “The Myth” as he fights till the very end, or Mulan’s weak dad who bravely steps forward to accept his duty when called by the king. What about King David who through faith said to Goliath, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty” (1 Samuel 17:45). Such courage, such faith!

When I think about war, I think about living in violence, fear and limited resources. It’s losing loved ones in bombings, gas attacks, gunshots, hangings, or even by poison. It’s scary to think about, so maybe that’s why we don’t often think about it. But all these things have happened. And it is still happening in many places around the world. How are you using your resources and your freedom while you still have it?

When I think about war, I think about the war within each of us. “For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want” (Galatians 5:17).  Do you realize you’re in a battle too? You’ve been assigned an important role of picking up your cross every morning.  Use this Remembrance Day to sign a peace contract. Realize you’ve already won the war. Victory is ours in Christ. Let go of whatever sin you’ve been fighting. Don’t live chained as slaves when Christ has already set us free!

And finally, this Remembrance Day, don’t neglect our brothers and sisters who are living in a spiritual battle daily all over the world. Missionaries (the coolest soldiers I’ve ever known) are fighting against a greater power who hates them – the greatest enemy ever imaginable. Pray for those who face persecution for the kingdom of God - Spiritual Warriors who fight for the ETERNAL FREEDOM of those who do not know Christ. In many ways, prayer is not asking God to prepare us for the battle, it is the battle. So be a prayer warrior for God! God hears all of our prayers!  

Love in Christ,

P.S. Remembrance Day falls on 11/11/11 this year! How cool is that!!??

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