Many times people have comforted each other with phrases like "God loves you!" or "Jesus died for your sins", and if you just keep looking at Christ everything will be alright. This may sound heretical, but that's not sufficient, nor is it edifying in spurring each other on to pursue holiness. It is true that God loves us, it is true that Christ died for our sins, but we need to understand how these truths of the gospel impact our lives.
For example, if someone is struggling with sexual sin, would God love you turn him/her away? Would it really motivate them to strive for holiness? No! But a warning that this path leads to corruption and destruction would.
Or what about a person who is lazy? Jesus died for his sins. So what? Will he be motivated to work with all his might? Or will he just have an excuse for his laziness? But presenting the truth in verses like Proverbs 6:6, Proverbs 13:4, Matthew 25:14-30, and 1 Corinthians 15 would be motivations for him to labour.
The cross of Christ is not just about God's love, but also a fulfillment of His promises to us, His righteousness, His holiness, His glory. Brothers and sisters, do not be lazy in your thinking. Read the Bible in order to transform your minds, so that you may encourage each other to strive for holiness, Biblically.
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