Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Veritas Forum @ Mac


Ways to get involved:
1. Facebook
a) Change your profile picture to the Veritas poster (above)
b) Join the facebook event
c) Invite your friends!

2. Prayer
Starting Monday, January 9, through the week leading up to Veritas and the week of Veritas, there will be two prayer slots at the Div College Chapel from 10:30 to 11:30 or from 11:30 to 12:30. Pick a time slot, and show up to pray - every day except for Wednesday.

3. Attend Veritas events (bring a friend with you!)
MON (Jan/16): "The Gospel of Luke" performance 7:30pm @ 1280. Tickets are $5 each, sold through CCF or at Compass.
TUE (Jan/17): "4 Views on freedom: What is Freedom? How does one become free?" panel discussion on Jan/17 7:30pm @ ITB 137.
THU (Jan/19): "The reality of human slavery today" presentation on Jan/19 7:30pm @ MDCL 1105.
FRI (Jan/20): "Freedom cafe" coffeehouse on Jan/20 8pm @ CIBC Hall.
(All week): "Freedom art exhibit" @ MUSC atrium

Sunday, January 8, 2012

In fear and trembling we are saved

Here are two thought provoking questions:
Is it possible for those who think they are not saved to be saved?
Is it possible for those who think they are saved to not be saved?

God's word is complete regarding our faith.
In one sense, salvation by grace through faith alone is a great truth, but on the other hand, doing good works is a must in a Christian's life. If we have no works and still live as unrighteous and sinful as before, we are deceiving ourselves and have no part in the kingdom.

Interestingly, the Apostle Paul wrote as much, if not more about how a Christian ought to live and act in this life as being saved by faith alone. (you can see this if you read his letters to the Corinthians, Galatians chapter 5, Ephesians 5, Romans, even Jesus says that those who love him obeys his commandments, those who do not bear fruit will be cut off and burned, those who are wicked will be thrown into the darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth etc...)

I do not write this to scare people or make them feel guilty, but we are called to be sober minded, Brothers and sisters, do not be deceived by the teachings of this world to conform to it's patterns. Do not go after things like status in school and in work, seeking honour from men, money, pleasure, sex, competition, laziness, and youthful passions for fun and games, but pursue Christ and seek to know him, seek to become holy and virtuous people who live with honor, truth, love, kindness, gentleness, and patience(This is a lifelong process of sorrow, hardship, and much struggling with flesh and sin). For Christ is the one whom we need to believe, not theology or ideas about him. These things are dead, and there is so much more to learn in Christ than justification through faith alone, because Christ is alive and is our life.

Constantly check to see if you are still in the faith, working out our salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who works and wills within us. As Paul Washer puts it, this life is like a mine field, we cannot make it out alive unless we listen to God and obey him.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Resolutions?

If you're anything like me, you've practically given up on New Year's resolutions. You know... those goals that you absolutely convince yourself are going to happen this year: get fit, study harder, share the Gospel with that one person... And while, by God's grace, many of these things do become a reality, chances are, they don't and they just end up on next year's list.

But God put something on my heart this year and I hope it encourages all of you as well: it's ok if we fail, but we shouldn't let these failures cling on to our consciences. Why? Because Christ died to make us righteous in our Heavenly Father's eyes. Our salvation does not depend on our own efforts in improving ourselves, and praise God for that! I echo the words of Paul to the Philippian church when he said:

"Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thin I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:12-14.

Failed to get jacked this past year? It's ok, Christ died for that! Still struggling with getting the marks you wanted? Christ died for that! Didn't get a chance to talk to your friend / family member about God? Christ definitely died for that! Now don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting you don't set goals at all. Set Christ-centered goals and rely on God's strength to get them accomplished. Pursue them, write them down and stick them somewhere visible, don't let yourself give up on them. I'll leave you with John Piper's perspective on New Year's resolutions:

"Renew the New Year’s covenant or make a new one. Write it down. Paste it on your bathroom mirror. Set a limit to it. And be sure to add this contingency clause: “If I fail, I will not mope around in despair. I will encourage my heart in God’s mercy, repent and start up again.” Future life is too precious. The possibilities of joyful service are too great to let yourself be paralyzed by the past."

Happy New Year everyone!! May God bless all of you abundantly in 2012!

With much love,
Your committee